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Thursday 5 June 2014




1. From sitting pose bend the left leg underneath the right leg so that the left heel is touching the right buttock.

2. Bring the right leg over the top of the bent left leg so that the right heel touches the left buttock. Adjust the right knee so that it is above the left knee.

3. Place the hands either on the knee or on the respective foot whichever is comfortable. Hold the head, back and neck straight. Close the eyes and relax.



1. Useful alternative to the other meditative asanas.
2. Outer muscles of the thighs are stretched.
3. Pelvic and reproductive organs are toned and massaged.
4. Cures cramp in legs, make leg muscles elastic.
5. Back become erect in meditative pose.
6. Good for pelvic structure, inner muscles of thighs, reproductive organs.



Pain in knee.

Baddha Hasta Gomukhasana




1. Sit in gomukhasana so that the right knee is above the left knee.
2. Raise the right hand above the head, bend it at the elbow and bring the palm on the back.
3. So also take the left hand on the back but from the lower side. Let both palms rest behind the back.
4. Try to clasp the fingers of both hands behind the back.
5. Keep the neck and head and spine straight. Press the back side of the head against the inside of the raised arm. Unclasp the hands and repeat with other hand and other leg.



1. This asana induces relaxation and alleviates tiredness, tension and anxiety.
2. It stimulates the kidneys.
3. Good for diabetes, back ache, sciatica, rheumatism.
4. Relives general stiffness in the shoulders and neck, extends latissimus dorsi fully.
5. Relieves and prevents cramps in the legs.
6. Chest is opened and the leg muscles become supple.



Pain in knee, shoulders or arms.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (down dog pose)



From urdhvamukha shwanasana :
1. Erect the toes, raise the waist and push the body backward to place the heels on the ground.
2. Bend the neck downward so that the top of the head can be placed on the ground.



1. Removes fatigue, exhaustion and energises the body.
2. Good for runners, brings lightness to the legs.
3. Pain and stiffness in heels can be removed.
4. Stiffness in the region of the shoulder blade is removed and any arthritis.
5. Brings good shape to the legs.
6. Brings ample blood supply to the brain cells and rejuvenates them.
7. Useful for the kidneys.
8. Low blood pressure.
9. Develop speed and lightness in the legs, heels and ankles.
10. Strengthen legs.
11. Abdominal muscles are drawn towards spine and strengthened.
12. Gives many of the benefits of Shirshasana.
13. Invigorates the brain by reliving fatigue.
14. Strengthen the muscles of arms.
15. Removes excess fats around the waist.



Heart disease, high BP, vertebrae trouble, slipped disc, sacral infection, sciatica, ear trouble, weak eye capillaries, severe asthma, pituitary or thyroid trouble, thrombosis and vertigo.

Tiryak Dhanurasana (diagonal bow pose)



1. Bend the left leg in the knee and grab the ankle.
2. Stretch the left hand above the head.
3. Raise the left thigh and left hand, head, shoulder, chest above the ground.

Practice after interchanging the positions of hands and legs.



1. As per dhanurasana.



As per dhanurasana but the stretch in the knees is more so be careful if the knees are weak.

Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana (upward dog pose)



1. Take sufficient distance (30-40cms) between both the legs.
2. Place the hands (palms) beside the diaphragm and forehead on the ground.
3. Raise the head and shoulders upwards till the arms are straight at the elbows. Stretch the neck backwards.

4. Pressing the waist downwards try to raise the knees above the ground not more than 3 to 4 cms. Keep the buttocks contracted and the toes stretched.



1. Useful for stiff back, rejuvenates the spine.
2. Useful for sciatica, lumbago, back ache, slipped disc.
3. Chest is expanded, lungs get elasticity.
4. Heart gets ample space to function well.
5. Pelvic region is strengthened.



As per cobra pose, avoid if there is pain in the knees, intestinal ulcer, hernia, surgery.

Ardha Dhanurasana (half bow pose)


1. Bend the left leg in the knee and grab the ankle with the left hand.
2. Stretch the right hand above the head.
3. Raise the left leg (thigh), right hand, shoulder, head and chest above the ground. Practice with other leg and hand.


1. Easy version of dhanurasana. Useful for an obese person.


As per Dhanurasana