Thursday 5 June 2014

Mridang Bandha (drum pose)

Mridang - Drum

In this asana the position of the body resembles that of a person playing a drum, hence the name.


Taking the asana position

1. Step the left leg out to the side, away from the right leg at a distance of 1 to 1.5 feet.
2. Turn the toes outward as far as possible, keeping the heels in line with each other.
3. Bend the knees a little as though you are going to sit down on a chair.
4. Place the arms away from the waist and slightly forward. The arms are held in such a position as if they are holding a drum, which comes up to slightly below your waist.


The asana position

In the ideal pose, the toes are turned completely outward such that they are in line with the heels. As such, it is necessary to bend the knees in order to maintain balance. The hands being placed slightly in front of the body also helps to balance the body.

The upper body remains upright, with the eyes gazing forward.


Releasing the asana position

1. Bring the arms back to the sides of the body.
2. Straighten the knees.
3. Point the toes forward.
4. Step the left foot back to standing position.


Anatomical focus

On the opening in the hips and stretch on the leg joints.



On normal breathing and maintaining balance.



1. Step the feet apart about 1 to 1.5 feet.
2. Keep the heels and toes in line.
3. Keep the upper body upright, including the neck.



1. Lose balance.
2. Lean the upper body forward or backward in order to balance the body.



1. Strengthens the leg muscles.
2. Increases the blood supply to and loosens the joints in the legs and hip.


Therapeutic application


Precautions & contra-indications

1. People with knee joint injuries or stiff knees should perform the asana carefully and with less strain, under proper guidance.



15 seconds. Over time it can be built up to 2 minutes.


Variations & tips

Bend the knees slightly more if it is difficult to turn the toes out completely.


Preparatory poses

1. Sankatasana

Follow-up poses


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