Monday 2 June 2014

Shalabhasana (locust pose)

Shalabhasana (locust pose)

Shalabh means 'locust' as the position of the body in the asnana appears to be like that of a locust. To facilitate easy learning first learn Ardha Shalabhasana.

Pre Position
Prone Position.

Exhale and inhaling, raise both the legs from the waist keeping them straight in the knees. Keep the toes stretched to the backside and continue normal breathing.
Take the precaution that the legs are straight in knees as otherwise the strain on desired organs is reduced and desired results are missed. During the practice chin should rest on ground.

Keeping the raised legs straight in the knees, stretch the toes towards the backside. At this point the legs may tremble, but this trembling can be stopped if the raised legs are slightly lowered. Attempt should be made to raise the legs as much as possible without having any tremble and then stabilize them at that point and keep the breathing normal.

Inhale and exhaling bring both the legs down on the ground and then back to the prone position.

Only difference between Ardha Shalabhasana and this asana is that both the legs are raised simultaneously instead of one in this asana. As the strain is more, the duration be reduced.

Internal Effects
This asana mainly centers the lower vertebra of the spinal cord and the muscles of the abdomen and thighs. The strain activates their blood circulation. As a result of this the concerned organs become more active and efficient. This strain is effective on small and big intestine and certain enzyme producing glands.

People suffering from Back problems, TB in intestine,Ulcer in stomach, harnia should consult Yoga expert before practicing this asana. Jerks and unbearable strains should be avoided


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