Thursday 5 June 2014

Tolangulasana (scale pose)

Tolangula -

In this asana, the form of the upper and lower body resembles the two ends of a weighing scale, hence the name.

Taking the asana position

Initial Position - Padmasana

1. From padmasana, place the hands on the ground, by the side of the hips.
2. Slowly lean backwards and place the elbows on the ground. Form fists with the hands and place the fists (palms facing down), under the buttocks.

3. Exhale and while inhaling, lift the padmasana at 45 degrees to the ground, balancing the body on the fists and lower arms. Breathe normally.

The asana position

In this position the weight of the upper body is supported by the arms. Abdominal strength is required to lift the padmasana to 45 degrees with the ground. The spine remains straight and the head should be held erect, with the eyes looking forward.

Releasing the asana position

1. Inhale and while exhaling, slowly release the padmasana to the the ground.
2. While inhaling, lift the back up vertically with the support of the hands.
3. Place hands back in dhyanmudra on the knees, coming back into padmasana.

Anatomical focus

Strengthening of the abdominal muscles.


On breathing and keeping the pose steady.


1. Keep the back straight.
2. Keep the head erect.
3. Keep the chest open.


1. Tilt the head back.


1. Tones the abdominal organs.
2. Strengthens the shoulders, back and neck.
3. Opens up the chest.

Therapeutic application

Precautions & contra-indications

People with weak abdominal muscles or those suffering from colitis should not perform this asana without expert guidance and supervision.


This asana should be held for at least 30 seconds to reap the benefits. With further practice, duration of 3 to 5 minutes can be achieved.

Variations & tips

If you are not able to come into padmasana, you may perform this asana with the legs crossed.

Preparatory poses

1. Noukasana (supine)

Follow-up poses

1. Utthita padmasana
2. Kukkutasana

Ancient texts


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